With the oddest release pattern of a wide release that I can ever remember, Ice Age 4 takes a huge jump up in takings this week, though to say the figures are skewed is an understatement. Having been in the charts over the last couple of weekends thanks to a general release in Scotland and Ireland, the film has been playing at weekends in England and Wales but has not been included in any weekly figures as technically these are preview showings. The money taken in these shows has instead been bundled into this week’s takings, as the film is now playing wide in general release everywhere, and as such a mammoth taking has occurred. If we took just this weekend’s takings, the film still would have handily taken first with just under £5 million and the overall take of £13 million is incredibly impressive given that most of the UK hasn’t started its school holidays yet. Things are looking up for this franchise which should be a relief for Fox given the OK but not barmstorming opening in the US this past weekend. While there’s major blockbuster action opening this weekend as we all know, Ice Age could look good to retain a fair bit of money this coming weekend as well, as The Dark Knight may have scared some parents off of taking the little ones which could serve Ice Age well. With recognisable characters, this will also perform just fine against The Lorax when that opens next week and in all, this four-quel will look good to be a steady earner all summer long.
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